Managed jobs
You can use our monitoring for your local cron jobs, but Cronly offers so much more. Use managed jobs to schedule your cron jobs in the cloud. We'll make sure they run on time.
Creating a new managed job
Click "Managed jobs"
Click "Create new managed job"
Enter the relevant details:
Name: This name is only for yourself, to recognize the job in your account
Project: Use this to categorize the job
Timezone: This is the timezone in which the job is expected to run
Schedule: The schedule in which you want the job to be run
Maximum duration: The number of minutes the job is expected to run. This should be at least the minimum duration you expect the job to run
Allow overlapping tasks: If you set this to "Yes", we'll skip the execution of a task if a previous version is still running
Number of attempts: We will try to reconnect this many times if the connection fails
Enter the endpoint settings: this is everything we send to your endpoint. This can be used for validation purposes.
Click "Create managed job"
Cron schedule expression
How is the task token used?
Each task gets a random token that is sent with the request to the endpoint as a header. The key will be X-Cronly-Token
, and the value will be the token itself.
Example: X-Cronly-Token: 9531ba05-1533-488c-833f-e597f0734c3c
You can use this token to validate that the request is coming from Cronly, if you like.
Last updated